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How To Maximise The Reach of Your Existing Blog Articles

How To Maximise The Reach of Your Existing Blog Articles

Today’s content market is so full of data that almost as soon as it is published your content is totally forgotten. To avoid spending time and energy on articles that will not be read by more than 10 people (including your mother and your aunt) you need to do more than just publish your articles. Here are some tips that will help you keep your blog articles live and kicking!

1. Schedule it and republish it

It may seem self-evident, but one thing to bear in mind is that followers don’t usually go on your blog to check out older articles in your archive, and if they do so, they generally know exactly what they’re looking for. If you published an article 4 months ago and wish to republish it, only very few people will notice that you reposted an “old” article, so to speak, and even if they do notice, they simply won’t care. A useful tip is to create a publishing/republishing schedule to remind yourself when to republish an article. This will help you build a routine that is easy to follow and adapted to your daily schedule.
Sharing your content with people who are interested in what you talk about is a good way to drive traffic to your articles and your blog. You can repeat this operation more than once, as long as you ensure that any relevant details within are updated. For instance, if you try to republish your interview with Whitney Houston from several years back and attempt to pass it off for a recent occurrence, chances are that people will notice. Moreover, when you post a new article on your social media platforms, you can take the opportunity to promote your older content by mentioning it in the comments section or by placing a hyperlink to the older article in the description for the new one.

2. Join specialised groups

On social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn, you can find a whole range of private or public groups with professionals linked to your industry or people that are just interested in certain topics. If you’re active on these groups and you help answer the queries people have regarding your industry, interacting with them further through the publication of your content and articles will be perceived as additional useful advice rather than a kind of self-promotion.
If people start to like and share your post and your page you could even become an influencer within a niche market. This would be a huge boon for your brand and your company.

3. Use your newsletters

A newsletter is a useful way to show the world all the new things going on in your company over a certain period of time. However, nothing stops you from promoting your older content and from encouraging people to click on your blog links. In addition, roundups can be useful ways to summarise older posts that you’ve written over the last month. They can also be a good way to improve your organic ranking on search engines.

4. Boost your publications

Nowadays, a majority of social media platforms give you the possibility to boost your content. Depending on how much you’re willing to spend, you can choose a lot of different criteria, such as geographical and demographic specifications. Even for new companies with smaller budgets, it can be really useful because you don’t have to invest thousands of euro. As a starting point, it is possible to spend a small amount of money just to test people’s response to your publications.

5. Create internal links

When you’re drafting a new article and you have terms or concepts that you have already covered in older articles, it is really important to create links (anchor text) that redirect to those articles. Not only it is really good for your SEO and your organic ranking, but this will also allow people to click on those links to learn more about things they may find interesting.

6. Ask help from your influencers

If you have already created a relationship with an influencer, you can ask this person to promote your older content, such as your blog articles. People that follow them, trust them and that are interested in their area of specialisation will be happy to read an article they share. This is a great opportunity to gain new followers, to increase brand awareness and to expose your knowledge on a given topic.

Keeping your blog articles alive is not so complicated, but it does take time and a good deal of organisation on your part. At the beginning it may seem tricky, but as soon as you learn the different skills needed and understand where to concentrate your efforts, you will quickly become a master of well-thought-out content recycling.

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