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The Content News Café #13

The Content News Café #13

Follow the international Content Marketing news through our weekly press review

shutterstock_319653851 Here are some articles we selected in the English-speaking press:

Most Social Media Management Tools Still Lack “Emergency Stop” Button For Times Of Tragedy (source: Marketingland.com)

Following the Paris attacks, many brands wanted to pause their posting and advertising campaigns hosted on their Social Media Management Platforms.  However, they had to face the fact that there is currently no way to stop all scheduled posts at once, and cancelling or rescheduling each post is a seriously tedious and inefficient task. An issue which is definitely attracting the attention of those Social Media Management firms…

Facebook Releases 2016 Hacker Cup Schedule (source: Adweek.com)

Facebook’s annual hacking competition is back. The California-based Social Network sees hacking as a way to improve its technology. Facebook will challenge programmers from all around the world through five rounds of competition with the final taking place in London in March 2016.

How to Optimize Your Social Media Schedule for Maximum Impact (source: Socialmediaexaminer.com)

Creating leads on Social Media requires a bit of organisation. After advising you to build a Social Media Content Calendar last week, Social Media Examiner reveals how to get the best out of your schedule. Among other tips, they recommend to post 20 times a month on LinkedIn and to avoid tweeting on week-ends.

12 Ways To Capture More Leads and Customers Through Social Media (source: Hub.uberflip.com)

How to create more impact on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest? By following those 12 tips! We particularly like the suggestion of using Twitter Cards, a free little-known feature that is part of the Twitter Ad platform. Through Twitter Cards, your followers can give you their contact info in exchange for freebies.


shutterstock_128197781 Cette semaine, nous vous avons sélectionné cet article en français :

[Tribune] Instagram et B to B, un mauvais ménage? Pas si sûr… (source : E-marketing.fr)

Peu d’entreprises B2B utilisent Instagram. Il s’agit très certainement d’une erreur stratégique et cet article démontre pourquoi. On y apprend notamment que 40% des mille vidéos les plus partagées sont des vidéos d’annonceurs et que 42% des prospects B2B effectuent leurs recherches via leur mobile. Instagram, application majoritairement utilisée sur Smartphone, est donc sans aucun doute une plateforme que les entreprise à visée B2B devraient commencer à intégrer à leur stratégie webmarketing.


Photo Credit: Shutterstock

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