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How to Build a Social Media Strategy Around a B2B Company?

How to Build a Social Media Strategy Around a B2B Company?

When you’re a B2B company, building a social media strategy can seem a tad more complicated, and when you’re a service provider even more so. But don’t worry, we’ve created a list of tips to help you in this area..


1. Define your audience

As with any B2C brand, it is important to know who you’re talking to. Analysing and understanding who your audience is is crucial and will help you create an effective communication strategy that is suited to your goals.
You should also make efforts to understand the habits of those you’re targeting and the social media platforms they prefer to use. “Which platform are they the most active on?” is a fundamental starting point. This knowledge alone will considerably increase the reach your publications will ultimately have, while also saving you precious time.

2. Highlight your team members

When you manage the social media account of a B2B business you must remember that you’re not addressing your typical clients or the end consumer directly, but rather other companies and their employees. This may seem self-evident, but this should be reflected in your style of communication. What better way to improve your reputation than showcasing your workers and giving your followers an idea of what your company’s culture is like? Tools such as Facebook Live allow you to publish endless reams of diverse content. Q&A’s, interviews, after-work drinks or social events are all fine examples. If you’re creative you will always find something relevant to say on social media. People will love that you care about your employees and that you’re fully invested in communicating their efforts. By simply remaining consistently visible, you’re already making the effort to market your content, and in turn, your business. This is why publishing content frequently is so important.

3. Be active

If you want other companies to spot yours in a sea of competitors on the web, you have to be really active on social media. Indeed, the more you post, the more people will share and like your content. It’s (almost) as simple as that. But where are the best places to publish such content?
Of course, you can publish content on your own pages. But there are other places that will be just as (if not more) suitable for securing that all-important visibility online. On Facebook and LinkedIn, for example, you can join groups related to your business and business area. If you start helping people, commenting and posting your content (such as articles for instance) on these groups, people will start noticing you and may begin to follow you. It is proof of your knowledge and your expertise in terms of communication. In addition to this, a good measure to adopt is taking a look at, following, sharing and commenting on the content posted by other companies. They are likely to appreciate this gesture and will feel supported, and they will be more inclined to share your posts and follow you as a result.


4. Introduce your partners

Regularly mentioning your partners and clients is a really strong point to integrate into your online comms strategy. Indeed, showcasing your clients will not only increase the loyalty of those who currently use your services, but it can also draw in new business. Showing that you care about your partners and that you maintain a good relationship with them can only benefit you in the long run. Moreover, it will encourage your clients to talk about you positively, react to your posts and demonstrate that your company can be trusted.


If people have a good perception of your company, they’ll automatically be more likely to purchase your product or service. You need to concentrate your efforts to be as visible as possible on social media. You need to appear nice, accessible, but above all, professional in the eyes of those watching you.

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